1. The Waynesboro American Legion offers two locally established scholarships to eligible Waynesboro High School students. The monetary value of these two scholarships are $1,000 per year for up to four years, as long as the student maintains the eligibility requirements. Applications for these scholarships are due to the Legion no later than April 20th each year.
2. American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Program. This scholarship program consists of a two-part contest. Part 1 is an eight to ten minute memorized oration on a selected phrase of the United States Constitution. Part 2 is a three to five minute oration on one of four assigned topics selected by the National Organization each year. The four topics can be found at www.legion.org/oratorical/topics. The local contest will be held on or about January 7 each year. The winner at the local level will receive a $500 scholarship and move to the District contest. The local second place finisher receives a $200 scholarship. The winner at the Department (State) level receives a scholarship, amount determined each year and has the opportunity to represent Pennsylvania at the National Contest. National scholarships are awarded to the three finalists. First place receives $25,000, second gets $22,500 and third takes $20,000.
3. The National American Legion offers additional scholarships which can be found at www.legion.org/scholarships.
4. Unsung Hero Scholarship. The Son’s of the American Legion offers the Unsung Hero scholarship which is a one-year $2,000 scholarship.
The Legion Point of contact for information on the scholarship programs is the 2nd Vice Commander, American Legion Post 15, 63 East Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268 or call 717-762-5520.
The AFFY Council scholarship will be awarded to two senior high school students entering either a two or four year college, trade school or business school, following graduation. The award will be presented each year to two graduating students in the amount of one thousand dollars each. The award will be in payments of $500.00.
The first check will be sent to you upon our receiving confirmation that you are accepted and enrolled in the college or school of your choice. After we receive your grade level of the first semester, the second check of 500 will be send to you.
Confirmation of your enrollment and of your first semester grade level should be sent to Cheryl Herman, 118 Furlong Way, Red Lion, PA 17356.
The deadline for applications to be returned to Unit 15, Waynesboro is April 1, 2021.
Note: Contact Post 15 Auxiliary Officer for Application, rules and checklist at Granny1967@comcast.net .