Thank you to all the wonderful members who came in to pay dues We had a good turnout! Thanks for taking time out of your day to support us. Dues are $45.00 for Post and Social members. SAL and AUX dues remained unchanged. NOTE: SOCIAL MEMBER dues for the upcoming year will be accepted starting September .The last day to pay Social Member dues will be December 31st by end of business day. If you fail to do so, there will be NO extensions or Grace period. At that point you will need to rejoin at the fee of $65.00
Please see Club operations hours below.
We appreciate your continued patronage!!
It's Crucial! All donations are being tested for COVID-19 antibodies. Blood donations that test positive for COVID-19 antibodies could provide convalescent plasma for critically ill coronavirus patients.
A new section has been added called "Special Events" . This is where you will find new and upcoming events. CHECK IT OUT!! often as new items are added frequently.
Click on the block below. See the new Legion Ball Schedule for 2024. New Summer Drink Specials.
There's much to see here. If you are planning to have a Banquet or Special Event. Click on the button below to see all the options
Any payouts from holders purchased with in the Post 15 facility MUST be collected with in 30 days of the bowl closing. There can be NO exceptions. "
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest veteran’s service organization, committed to mentoring and sponsorship of youth programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.
The American Legion is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization with great political influence perpetuated by its grass-roots involvements in the legislation process. Legionnaires’ sense of obligation to their community, state and nation drives an honest advocacy for veterans in Washington. The Legion stands not behind politics, but the issues and people that institute progress by focusing on veteran’s rights and quality of life. The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives.
It can be located under MORE at the top of the Home page
Simply scroll from left to the right to view the pictures
Once you select a picture right mouse click on it and select download. it will ask you where you want to save it. Most people select MY DOCUMENTS folder. be sure to rename the file to something you will recognize , then click on save. From that folder you can open the file and print it out from your computer
Waynesboro, PA Post 15:
Commander - Tim Wolff
1st Vice - John McRae
2nd Vice - Ben Adams
Finance Officer- Michael Depies
Adjutant - Detrick Davis
At large directors:
- John McPherson , Denny Gift, Michael Miller, William Hoover
-Chaplin - Carol Vanschenkhof
- Sergeant at Arms - John McPherson
Post 15 Meeting: 4th Monday of each month @ 6:00 pm
Waynesboro Legion Home Association:
President - John McPherson
1st VP - Diane Boefe
2nd VP - Tim Wolff
Secretary - John McRae
Treasurer - Michael Depies
At large directors:
- Ray Harbaugh
- Ray Hummer
- Tama Carstensen
- Ron Mclucas
Meet: 2nd Monday of each month @ 6:00 pm
Officers for 2024/2025
SAL- Squadron 15:
- Commander - Todd B. Rankin
- 1st Vice Commander-Arthur Stockslager
- 2nd Vice Commander- Scott Crum
Adjutant - Daral Beard
Treasurer - Daryl Gunder
Historian - Matthew Gembe
Sergeant-at-Arms - Jonathan Scott
Chaplin - Steve McRae
Meet: 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 7pm
Officers for 2024 / 2025
Sharon Kollman – President
Joann Stouffer – 1st Vice
Carly Shockey – Secretary
Mellisa Witt – Treasurer
Ginny Stonestreet – Chaplain
Helen Thiers – Historian
Laurie Hoover – Sergeant-at-Arms
Meet: 2nd Monday of each month @ 6pm